Check out this planning checklist to create your unique funeral arrangements, but remember that you don't need to make all these decisions right now. If you want to talk with one of our staff members about creating personalized funeral plans, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Necessary Information
Personal Information
- Your father’s name
- Your mother’s maiden name
- Your social security number
- Your level of education
- Fraternal organizations
- Union memberships
- Service organizations
- Any special recognitions
Military Service Information
- Name(s) of war/conflict(s) toured
- Serial number
- Military service
- Branch rank
- Date of enlistment
- Date of discharge
Getting Started
- Select a funeral home.
- Note any specific instructions for your services and final disposition.
- Organize personal information for your obituary.
- If you wish, choose a charity for any donations.
The Funeral Service
- Select burial or cremation.
- Choose a casket or urn and cremation container.
- Pick funeral locations and service types.
- Make a note of any desired traditions or religious rituals.
- Select the attire you want to be dressed in.
- Arrange transportation for your physical remains and family members.
- Select an overall theme for funeral stationery and any décor.
- Choose floral arrangements.
- Choose any specific scriptures, poems, hymns and songs you’d like included.
- Pick photos and mementos for a memorial display.
Service Participants
- Designate pallbearers.
- Select a clergy member, celebrant or officiant for the service.
- Pick friends or family members to deliver the eulogy, scripture, speech, or other readings.
- If you wish, choose any musicians.
Final Disposition
- Choose a cemetery.
- Select a burial plot or mausoleum.
- Select a memorial or grave marker and inscription.
- If you choose to be cremated and do not want the ashes buried, decide who will keep your urn or
- Scatter your ashes and where.